Komori Management Philosophy

Realization of Kando "beyond expectations"

Komori's management philosophy is to promote the following three points through the creation of Kando activities driven by high management quality.

  1. 1.Thorough perceptual quality control and implementation of the solution business: [Customer Kando]
  2. 2.Implementation of Komori-way workstyle reforms (K-Work): [Employee Kando]
  3. 3.Building deep cocreation and collaboration with partner companies: [Partner Kando]

Since our founding in 1923, Komori has adhered to the starting point of manufacturing with a focus on quality and trust and has continued to advance as a printing press manufacturer. In the process, Kando: Beyond Expectations has been responsively embraced by group employees both in Japan and internationally.

Currently, we are facing a rapidly changing, uncertain, complex and ambiguous social and economic environment in every aspect. Even in such times, Komori must advance powerfully one step at a time. The idea that illuminates this path is nothing other than the realization of Kando ‘beyond expectations.’

Listen to the voices of stakeholders at all times. Strive for meticulous service from the perspective of stakeholders. And provide better solutions. We believe that by earnestly addressing these demands and repeating unceasing efforts every day, we can earn real brand value as a company providing Kando ‘beyond expectations.’

As always, Komori will continue to strive toward "realization of Kando ‘beyond expectations’" through creation of Kando activities, fulfilling its corporate social responsibility and mission as a company.